Craftcation 2017: Flexing Underused Creativity Muscles

I attended the 2017 Craftcation Conference with my wife this weekend. While this was mostly to help her with hew new sewing business, there were some cool art workshops where I got to try out techniques I normally don’t use. Since I went 100% digital for cartooning back around 2010, I barely even pick up a pen or pencil unless at conventions. This helped me flex my creativity muscles and taught me new techniques too!


Left-Handed Drawing

This exercise involved drawing with your non-dominant hand.  I decided to stick in my comfort zone and draw something scary.  I was actually fairly impressed at how clear it looks.  It also reminded me that drawing is not in the wrist, but the arm.

Left handed drawing of Donald Trump

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Come see me at WonderCon 2017!

WonderCon in Anaheim, CA has consistently been my favorite convention of the year!  This year I’m lucky enough to have an Artist Alley table, so come say “hi!” It’s this weekend, March 31-April 2! I’ll be selling comic strip prints, greeting cards and signing copies of my book!  Come find me in Artist Alley D-54!

It’ll be the most fun you’ve had in Anaheim…after Disneyland!

Pasadena Comic Con 2017

I’ll be exhibiting at Pasadena Comic Con this Sunday! I’ll be at table #B-7 and I’ll be selling copies of my new book, Dawn of Absurdity, along with comic prints and sketches! (I’ll draw any US President, even the ugly ones!)
I will also be exhibiting with my wife who runs Nerdy Novelty Design and will be selling nerdy potholders and oven mitts!

If you’re in SoCal, come say hi! It will take your mind off Monday.

Long Beach Comic Con 2016


I’ll be exhibiting at Long Beach Comic Con this weekend! I’ll be at Artist Alley table #A7 and I’ll be selling copies of my new book, Dawn of Absurdity, along with comic prints and sketches! (I’ll draw any US President, even the ugly ones!)

I will also be selling my wife‘s nerdy potholders and oven mitts for those who want to avoid third degree burns in style!

If you’re in SoCal, come say hi! We’ll trade some puns!

Comic Con Palm Springs 2016 Wrap Up

Whew!  Just got back from Comic Con Palm Springs.  My wife and I had such a great time.  Definitely a convention I’d love to do again.

The crowd was terrific and I made a lot of great new contacts.  I saw some panels by other webcomic creators and learned a lot about kickstarters and podcasting.  I even did a quick interview with Cheryl of the Movies Made Me podcast. I’ll share it with you once it is available.

My artist alley neighbor, Bobby Timony was awesome and drew a spot on Teal’c for my wife, who is a big Stargate fan.

This was also the first con I sold my new book at, and the response was great!  Overall, an amazing con experience!

Comikaze 2015


Hey Absurdites!

I”ll be exhibiting at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo this weekend Oct 30 – Nov 1, 2015. If you’re in SoCal and sick of trick or treating, come by the LA Convention Center and say hi! I’ll be selling Tales of Absurdity prints, pun-derful greeting cards, buttons and live sketches of any U.S. President (even the ugly ones). I went to Comikaze last year and had a blast and randomly bumped into a bunch of coworkers. I’ll be at table N18 in Artists Alley, across from my good friend Binx who’s at O18. Check her stuff out! Hope to see you there!

WonderCon 2015


Hello cartoon fans! I”ll be exhibiting at WonderCon 2015 on April 3-5, 2015.  If you’re a Southern California comic fan or just sick and tired of Disneyland, come by the Anaheim Convention Center to say hi!  I’ll be selling Tales of Absurdity prints, custom made greeting cards, buttons and live sketches of any U.S. President (even the ugly ones).  I’ve been going to WonderCon for the last two years and it’s by far my favorite convention to attend.  This will be my first time exhibiting at Artist Alley and I couldn’t imagine a better con to start with.  If you’ve never been, it’s a great one to start with!  I’ll be at table D-02 in Artists’ Alley. Hope to see you there!