WonderCon 2015: Day One

WonderCon has been a blast so far! Today we set up my Artist Alley booth and our banners look great. If there’s one thing I learned today is that people love Star Trek…a lot! The highlight of my day was a couple from the San Fernando Valley (my home town) who both independently noted my bio in the WonderCon program, because I stated that I “Will draw any U.S. President (even the ugly ones)!” It was their first WonderCon, but they really “got” my comic and I even got to sketch President James K. Polk for them.

Otherwise we got to meet a lot of nice people who left our table laughing after reading some of the comic prints and greeting cards we’re selling. If you’re attending WonderCon the rest of this weekend, come say “hi!” I’ll be at Artist Alley table #D-02.

WonderCon 2015


Hello cartoon fans! I”ll be exhibiting at WonderCon 2015 on April 3-5, 2015.  If you’re a Southern California comic fan or just sick and tired of Disneyland, come by the Anaheim Convention Center to say hi!  I’ll be selling Tales of Absurdity prints, custom made greeting cards, buttons and live sketches of any U.S. President (even the ugly ones).  I’ve been going to WonderCon for the last two years and it’s by far my favorite convention to attend.  This will be my first time exhibiting at Artist Alley and I couldn’t imagine a better con to start with.  If you’ve never been, it’s a great one to start with!  I’ll be at table D-02 in Artists’ Alley. Hope to see you there!

Welcome Redditors!

Hi reddit readers!  I’ve been posting my comic to reddit for the last year or so and I’m pleased many of you have stuck around since then.   Thanks for making 2014 a great year for Tales of Absurdity! Feel free to say hi on reddit! My username is “Thorbie.”

The Origin of Coldwater Canyon

Over 10 years ago I came up with the idea for an Indiana Jones parody starring a moronic archeologist “Coldwater Canyon.”  I thought it would be hilarious to have all characters named after streets in the San Fernando Valley.  I decided to resurrect that idea for this week’s comic.  Below is the first comic I ever made with him.  I’ve come a long way from colored pencils.


UCLA Comic Workshop on October 15

Hey guys! Sorry there’s no comic this Sunday.  But I do want to announce that I will be leading a Comic Strip Making Workshop at UCLA on Wednesday October 15, 2014!  I co-led a comic making workshop last November at UCLA in conjunction with a performance of Intergalactic Nemesis.  This year’s workshop will be in conjunction with Art Spiegelman and Philip Johnson’s WORDLESS!, a performance that combines music and comics.  I’m glad to be asked back and I’m excited to see Art Spiegelman, the Pulitzer award winning cartoonist known for the graphic novel, Maus.  I remember reading Maus for a history class at UCLA and being blown away by it’s symbolism, effective story telling and learning that comics could be taken seriously as a medium.  As you can see, I haven’t quite learned that lesson yet.

If anyone’s interested and in the Los Angeles area, come say hi at my workshop and enjoy a cool hybrid of music and art by Art Spiegelman and Philip Johnson!

Wednesday October 15, 2014

6:30 PM Royce Hall’s West Lobby

at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095

The Absurdity of Names

This week’s comic explores the absurdity of names.  Names represent our identity, but what happens when you are stuck with an unfortunate name that results in snickers and ridicule?  I remember in middle school there was a girl in my gym class who had the unfortunate last name of “Zass.”  While by itself it’s perfectly fine, coupled with a first name, it becomes the butt of jokes (pun intended).  “Rita Zass?  Is Rita Zass here? Has anyone seen Rita Zass?”  Years later at the Price is Right, I met  number of people with names ranging from Free Spirit Joseph to Remington Steele.

What’s the most absurd name you’ve come across?